30 April 2016
3 Mins read

Drivers happy to sleep in the car?

A new survey has revealed many motorists would be happy to have a nap while travelling in a self-driving car.

Research by What Car? found one in four drivers (26 per cent) would be content to sleep in an autonomous car. They also expressed an interest in using the time to watch tv, browse the internet and chat to passengers.

However, the study also highlighted that many drivers are uncomfortable with the idea of automated cars, with 51 per cent of those surveyed expressing that they would feel “unsafe or very unsafe” in one.

Another recent survey by IAM Roadsmart (formerly the Institute of Advanced Motorists), discovered that 65 per cent of drivers what to retain the option to take control of the wheel, even if automated cars become common place.

Sarah Sillars, chief executive of IAM RoadSmart, explained: "Technological advances that make driving and riding safer for all road users have to be embraced whole-heartedly – but British motorists and our members, do want the right to drive."

She added: "One could see a time when motorists might be restricted to driving on designated roads – and possibly just for pleasure rather than for work or getting from A to B.2