Polestar Lease Deals
Start your search for a Polestar personal lease by choosing a model below. We have all Polestar models available for you to compare deals from top UK leasing companies.
Polestar 2
from £331.10 per month
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Polestar 3
from £800.98 per month
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Polestar 4
from £667.94 per month
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About Polestar
Launched in its current form in 2015, Polestar is Volvo’s venture into the world of electric vehicles, and that effortless Scandinavian elegance carries over into their EV range. Its minimalist design strives for purity on the outside while offering unparalleled energy economy and acceleration inside. Their lineup is still growing, and you can get yourself seated and behind the wheel of one of the hottest vehicles right now for 12, 18 or 24 months.
Why Lease a Polestar?
Though compared to other carmakers, Polestar is a very new company with a growing history, it has managed to come out of the gate with exceptional technology and drive quality. At cars2buy, we think the reason why it isn’t competing with the big boys already is that it’s still a company for those in the know. Its minimalist design strives for purity on the outside while offering unparalleled energy economy and acceleration inside.
The most popular model in the collection is the Polestar 2, a 5-door EV just smaller than a crossback SUV that holds a world-beating range on a full battery. Furthermore, the Polestar 2 fastback is a long-lasting and powerful car whose looks could turn the heads of every Tesla driver on the road. Get a brand new Polestar lease deal from the UK’s number one leasing site!
Just their second wide-released vehicle, the brand-new Polestar 3 is a beefed-up version of the Polestar 2 that puts the car firmly into SUV territory. Its increased size comes with increased power, meaning you’ll be able to go further on a single charge and be in control of an even more powerful computer system. One thing that we at cars2buy can say about the Polestar 3 is that it shows what comes after the Polestar 2.
Why Lease a Polestar with cars2buy?
We at cars2buy know the difficulties of handing over a large deposit to activate a car lease, which is why we offer an array of no-deposit deals. A no-deposit car leasing is equal to an initial rental of one monthly rental, which is why you will often see the term length denoted as ‘1+23’ for a 24-month contract (‘9+35’ would be an initial rental equivalent to 9 monthly rentals). Paying a low initial fee will inevitably increase the ongoing monthly rentals, but in many cases, the overall cost of the lease remains the same, which makes car leasing with no deposit an attractive and more manageable option.