Citroen Lease Deals
Start your search for a Citroen personal lease by choosing a model below. We have all Citroen models available for you to compare deals from top UK leasing companies.
Citroen AMI
from £128.89 per month
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Citroen Berlingo
from £237.77 per month
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Citroen C3
from £146.03 per month
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Citroen C3 Aircross
from £221.06 per month
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Citroen C4
from £182.22 per month
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Citroen C4 X
from £200.40 per month
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Citroen C5 Aircross
from £322.97 per month
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Citroen C5 X
from £346.32 per month
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Citroen e-Space Tourer
from £432.60 per month
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Citroen Holidays
from £714.54 per month
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Citroen Space Tourer
from £443.26 per month
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If you like fresh designs, innovative engineering and modern hybrid and electric technology, then a Citroen lease might be the perfect option for you. Citroen is one of the most respected and recognisable small car manufacturers in the world.
About Citroën
With quirky designs and a suave feel to their vehicle designs, Citroen is a great choice for young drivers and small families alike. Citroen's "Creative Technologie" is not just a slogan that they push, it's what's in the French firm’s DNA and foundations. Over the last 100 years, Citroen has become one of Europe’s best-known manufacturers. The quirky lineup includes some of the most popular vehicles on European roads such as the DS and the unforgettable 2CV.
The French brand has won an entire clutch of prizes over the years with names such as the C5 Aircross SUV and the Berlingo MPV hitting the top of the leaderboards. With their impressive safety technology and fun styles, there is a car in the Citroen range to suit all tastes. Whether you’re looking to go green with the all-electric E-C4 that features their new ‘Progressive Hydraulic Cushions’ suspension system or the popular plug-in hybrid C5 Aircross that suits drivers not looking to go all-electric just yet.
Why Choose A Citroën Lease?
Finding a leasing deal for you with our range of Citroën cars is simple and pain-free. Choose from their range of popular city cars, SUVs and family favourites. Citroen still has an enviable and unbeaten reputation for producing vehicles with a brilliant balance of everyday economy, funky design and elevated levels of interior luxury and comfort. This is why there are so many great leases offers to choose from.
By showcasing all of the top lease deals in one place so you can also easily compare Citroen models to ensure you get the equipment and specification that are right for you.